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Frequently Asked Questions -

Is there a informational web site that illustrates how School Supplynet works?
You can get an idea of what some of our School Supplynet solutions and features look like by watching our video overviews. In general SchoolSupplyNet allows schools , PTA organizations to create a fully stocked school supply online store, without carrying any inventory. We work with a large number of vendors to bring you large selection at whole sale prices and will drop ship them to your customers directly. You keep the difference as profit.

What is the contracted sign up period?
We ask that you sign up for a minimum of 12 Months. This is to ensure we have time to get you set up and running with sales. After this period, the subscription period is renewed on an annual basis.

What benefits do I get with my School Supplynet hosted web store?
Your web store is packed with features and benefits to increase your sales. Examples of these benefits include:
•    Online ecommerce site with free hosting
•    Custom URL with your own domain name
•    An individually designed web page that communicates your businesses personal ‘look and feel’.
•    Free web marketing driving visitors to your site.
•    Free shopping cart
•    Free blogs
•    Access to marketing materials personalized for your site-both digital and print
•    Substantially increased sales area
•    Free site maintenance
•    Free marketing /email shoots to customers and consumers
•    Free 24/7 order processing
•    Free 24/7 technical service
•    Free 24/7 customer Service
•    Reduced need for inventory storage
•    Reduced credit card processing costs
•    Expanded product offering with no investment
•    Increased in store foot traffic, if you have an exiswting store

How customizable are School Supplynet Web store pages?

School Supplynet web store pages are completely customizable. The graphics, colors and the design of each website page has been developed with versatility in mind. The option for fully personalized programming to requested specifications is also available. Please contact Customer Service for further information about this.

Each page templates will help you to easily interact with your web store if you wish to make alterations. Alternatively following initial setup and design you can leave all of the site maintenance to School Supplynet.

Which payments can I accept through my School Supplynet web store?
PayPal. Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover

Will I need a Credit Card Processing Terminal to accept credit cards through my School Supplynet web store?
No. As part of your online store provided by School Supplynet, we process all of the online payments. This not only means we deal with the information processing, but also that we absorb all of the costs of accepting credit card payments. Additionally we accept the liability and guard the security of all of the information being used on your site.

How will purchases through my web store be shipped?

When a purchase is made through your web store, the vendor receives the purchase order and ships to the designated shipping address. Shipping is fulfilled by our allied carriers. This ensures the shipping price is as low as possible for all consumers. The actual carrier will depend upon size of order and location being shipped to. You will be notified regarding shipment. Other than dealing with possible calls for customer service, there will be no action for you to take in this process.

I have regular customers that like to shop in my physical store or place orders over the phone. Can I manage those orders with my School Supplynet web store?
Yes. You can enter any phone or personal purchase into your School Supplynet web store as you would any POS module. It will immediately be linked to any previous sales and link to the customer’s account details for you to verify. This will ensure all of your business transactions are consolidated.

How can I keep track of orders placed in my web store?

When a purchase is made through your School Supplynet web store, an email will automatically be sent to your email address informing you of the purchase. Additionally in the store administration area only visible to site administrators, you will be able to access sales statistics and monitoring tools. In this way you can both monitor and be aware of any action you need to take.

Can School Supplynet help me to manage my vendors?

Yes. As the School Supplynet subscription includes access to preloaded vendor pages and products, it essentially centralizes potential vendors meaning you only have to use a single portal to stock your store. They are also able to communicate with you directly through your store front.

I already have my own site. Can I keep my site on my own server and still utilize the School Supplynet web store pages and functionality?
Yes. Links can be embedded into your current web page, linking customers to your ‘School Supplynet’ hosted sales pages.

What if I need technical help?

School Supplynet provides a 24/7 technical toll free helpline that is capable of helping you with any problem that may arise. Help is also available through email as well as online.

Can School Supplynet help get me new customers?

Yes, School Supplynet has been designed to help you get maximum visits to your web store as well as having the ability to drive increased foot traffic to your physical store.
Daily marketing will be conducted on behalf of your store and your site will be created with maximum SEO. You will also have the ability to create your own individualized media advertising through the School Supplynet marketing module.
In addition to this, you can specify if you would like to offer direct drop shipping to customers or have shipping sent to your store. In this way, you can ensure customers make store visits and stay acquainted with your physical location.

Can I run promotions on my School Supplynet hosted Web store?
Yes. You can put items on sale, run quantity discounts or target buyer groups with coded promotions.  You decide how best to appeal to your customer.

Supply Chain

How can School Supplynet help with my supply chain?
School Supplynet has an extensive list of vendors already linked to the School Supplynet supply solution. Vendors preload their products and specifications. This means that as you access their pages, you are able to ‘shop’ and stock their items without having to upload pictures or descriptions. As you select an item to sell, the product will be moved into your store, complete with all relevant information. As it is purchased through your site, each vendor will be notified and will ship directly to where you have designated. You will be notified at all stages of the purchasing process.
This will ensure you not only have the most efficient supply chain process, but also that you will no longer need to concern yourself with finding reliable suppliers. 


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