We understand that our value to apparel, shoes, personal care and accessory vendors lies in our ability to consistently help close more sales. To that end, there are a number of reasons why partnering with us will give you an edge over your competition and allow you to grow your market share.
They include:
Focused Service : Our dedicated and experienced professionals are there to assist you and your customers throughout the entire sales cycle. In addition, you can monitor your sales performances real time.
Customer Access : By providing you access to all of the School Supplynet customers, you significantly increase your market access and share as soon as you log on.
Marketing Tools : We offer various marketing tools that will facilitate closing sales faster.
Sales Rep Support : In addition to providing marketing tools, our sales rep force will also assist you to sell your products easily.
Improved Customer Retention : Excellent customer support and sales reps will build customer loyalty and increase repeat business among your customers.